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RA Membership

Monklands Ramblers is an official Ramblers Association Group. We receive annual funding from the RA to finance club administration such as the website, walk leader recce expenses, the Fiver promotion etc.
RA members receive a welcome pack plus excellent quarterly magazine and an entitlement to walk with any Ramblers group in Britain. There is also access to an extensive online library of walks and discounts available to members eg Cotswold Outdoor Company, O.S maps, Ramblers Holidays etc.
You can join the RA here.
Please indicate your local group is: Monklands.


The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration no. 4458492. Registered charity, Scotland no. SC039799.

Monklands Ramblers © 1985-2025