
Monklands Ramblers

hillwalking club

The club was formed in the summer of 1985 by a few local people who were interested in hillwalking. At that time, the walks were fairly informally organised and people travelled to the walks in cars. Nowadays we are organised into a proper club with a full elected committee. Our members consist of people from all walks of life ranging in age from 10 – 80.

We are one of the largest R.A. clubs in Scotland, and the first Scottish R.A. club on the Internet! We are based in the Monklands area of Central Scotland in North Lanarkshire, some 12 miles east of Glasgow. The two major towns in the area are Airdrie and Coatbridge, and it is from these towns that the majority of our 150+ members come from. There are also a significant number of members from other areas of Lanarkshire, in particular, Hamilton and Blantyre.

We run a 50 seater coach to all of our walks (which are always covered beforehand by the leaders), we have walks programmes which cover Scotland and northern England and cater for all levels of fitness. Monklands Ramblers also has an active social scene with dances, quiz nights and ten-pin bowling outings organised by the committee.

The club has actively and successfully campaigned for rights of way to be maintained and enhanced in the North Lanarkshire area. We have also become very much a part of the local community with frequent acknowledgement of our activities in the local press. The club is extremely successful simply because of the effort and support shown by the members. We consider ourselves a friendly bunch of people who always have a great time irrespective of the unpredictable Scottish weather!

We would be delighted to welcome along any new walkers who may be considering joining us.

100% Awesome People!

100% Health Benefits

Still Going Strong

sign up to our newsletter, as we usually send updates on a wednesday evening.

(Remember to check your spam or junk folder too.)

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RA Membership

Monklands Ramblers is an official Ramblers Association Group. We receive annual funding from the RA to finance club administration such as the website, walk leader recce expenses, the Fiver promotion etc.
RA members receive a welcome pack plus excellent quarterly magazine and an entitlement to walk with any Ramblers group in Britain. There is also access to an extensive online library of walks and discounts available to members eg Cotswold Outdoor Company, O.S maps, Ramblers Holidays etc.
You can join the RA here.
Please indicate your local group is: Monklands.


The Ramblers' Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration no. 4458492. Registered charity, Scotland no. SC039799.

Monklands Ramblers © 1985-2025